Oliver Kennedy


Oliver Kennedy.

Oliver Kennedy


Oliver Kennedy


Research Topics

Databases; programming languages; user interfaces for data science; scalable compilers; managing uncertainty in data; data structures

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Research Areas

  • Databases and Data Science
    Algorithms for data mining have a close relationship to methods of pattern recognition and machine learning. Focuses on developing fundamental techniques, prototype systems and applications in databases and data science.
  • Distributed Systems and Networks
    Research in networking and distributed systems focuses on enabling communication of and orchestrating coordination of a large number of computing nodes.
  • Programming Languages and Software Engineering
    Programming Language research focuses on type systems, program logics, language-based and differential privacy and security; language, compiler, and run-time design for reliable systems; static and dynamic analyses for real-time Android; run-time visualization and verification; adaptive memory management; language concepts for database programming; logic- and constraint-based systems.