Leave Without Pay (LWOP) Procedure

Duration: If parties are unsure of the duration of the LWOP, it will be the practice of the SEAS Dean’s Office to authorize it for the shorter period of time and then extend it versus granting a leave for a longer period of time and then terminate it early.


  1. Department submits the following to SEAS Human Resources in the Dean's Office at SEAS-HR@buffalo.edu:
    • Leave of Absence form
    • letter/memo from the faculty/staff member memo requesting the leave
    • letter/memo from the Chair stating whether the Chair endorses the leave request
  2. The form and the two letters/memos will be reviewed with the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs to determine if they will be approved.
  3. The forms and two letter/memos will be sent back to the Department to do the ePTF. The form, two letters/memos and if a faculty member the person’s CV (requested by the Provost Office) should be attached to the ePTF and routed through the normal channels. The Dean’s Office will route the ePTF through the Provost Office which allows the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs to approve it.
  4. Department can monitor the progress of the ePTF to determine when it has been fully approved.
LWOP require approval by the Provost and the President. The Dean is not the final authority. 

Last updated December, 2016