Your Academic Advisor

How to get an academic advisor

For approximately the first three semesters of the undergraduate program, academic advisement is provided through the Office of Undergraduate Education, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 410 Bonner Hall. Official records are also maintained in this office.

During the Fall semester of your sophomore year, you should request assignment of a CBE faculty advisor. To do so, visit the advisor assignment page, where you can complete a short questionnaire to determine who would be an appropriate advisor for you. You will then be assigned an advisor immediately upon submitting the request. If you have gone through this process before and have already been assigned an advisor, the advisor assignment page will simply remind you who it is.

EAS students with an interest in chemical engineering are encouraged to check with members of the Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Committee—even during the freshman year—to help eliminate potential program problems.

Why you should talk to your advisor

The principal role of the CBE faculty advisor is to help you make the best choice of the available courses so that the CBE program may be completed in the length of time you desire, and with the best performance of which you are capable. If you are not careful, it is possible to make mistakes in scheduling that may delay graduation by a semester or more; your advisor can help to minimize the possibility of such errors. Some students may be willing to spread out their coursework over a longer period—allowing them to put more effort into each course and thereby improve their performance—while others would rather finish as soon as possible; faculty advisors can also help with these decisions. However, it is ultimately your responsibility to see that all requirements are or can be met in time to permit graduation at a desired date.

Your CBE faculty advisor is also someone to whom you may turn for more general advice concerning types of jobs, choice of employers, the possibility of graduate school, and other career decisions. A faculty advisor who knows you well is best able to help you with academic and career decisions, and will also be in a position to write a personal letter of recommendation if needed to help you find employment after graduation. So it is to your advantage to ensure that your advisor knows you, and that you are well prepared whenever you meet for advice. For example, you should bring an updated copy of your Engineering Course Flowsheet when requesting advice on coursework; flowsheets are available from the SEAS Office of Undergraduate Education, 410 Bonner Hall.

When you should talk to your advisor

Chemical engineering students are required to meet with their CBE advisor during the Fall semester. During these meetings you and your faculty advisor review progress towards the completion of degree requirements. If appropriate, the CBE advisor will provide approval for you to participate in CE 304, CE 318, and/or CE 408 during the subsequent Spring semester after such a meeting. You are also encouraged to meet with your CBE advisor during the Spring semester or at any other time you have questions about your degree choices, or would like to obtain longer-term career advice. It is a good idea to make an appointment so that you know you will have your advisor's undivided attention when you stop by.