Chemical Engineering BS

photo of two students working in a CBE lab at a fume hood.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering gives you the knowledge and skills you need to understand and design chemical, biological and advanced material products and processes. It prepares you to be effective and innovative in the workplace, and to undertake more advanced study.

  • Curriculum and Requirements
    Discover what it's like to be a chemical engineer at UB. Here you'll find a curriculum overview, required courses, technical electives and general education requirements.
  • Hands-on Experiences
    Many of our students get valuable experience while pursuing their bachelor's degree through industrial internships and undergraduate research.
  • Accreditation and Assessment
    By continually assessing and improving our program, and by being formally accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, we enhance the effectiveness and career opportunities of our graduates.
  • Recent Enrollment and Graduation Data
    Have a look at statistics from the past five years for the number of chemical engineering students in the BS program at UB, and the number of graduates each year.
Did You Know?

Each year, about 30 of our undergraduates do experimental and computational research projects with faculty and graduate students. Some have also become published as co-authors on scientific papers.