Computing, Network and Telecommunications Usage Policy Revised

UB Seal on Crosby Hall.

Published February 5, 2025

The university has updated the Computing, Network and Telecommunications Usage Policy. The revised policy is available in the University Policy Library.



The University at Buffalo is committed to providing secure and reliable computing, networking, and telecommunications services to the campus community. All individuals who use university information technology (UBIT) resources are required to use these resources in an ethical and legal manner, consistent with the educational, research, and public service goals of UB.

All individuals who use UB’s computing, network, cloud and telecommunications resources are responsible for the following:

  • Abiding by applicable laws, regulations, contracts, and licenses applicable to use
  • Abiding by all applicable UB policies, procedures, and guidelines
  • Using the information technology resources they are authorized to use, and then only in the manner and to the extent which they are authorized
  • Protecting the privacy of others, their accounts, and personal information

When using UBIT resources individuals must not view, copy, alter, destroy, or distribute another’s files without permission from that individual, unless authorized or required to do so by law or regulation. The technical ability to access others’ accounts or information does not imply authorization to do so.  IT operational staff may be required to access files if directed to do so by Employee Relations, UB counsel, the information security office, or as required to insure proper technical operation of IT systems.

Policy Revisions

The policy was updated to:

  • Change the name of the policy from Computing and Network Use to Computing, Network and Telecommunications Usage
  • Revise the policy statement
  • Add Background, Applicability, Definitions, and Responsibility sections


This policy applies to all individuals using UB computing, network, and telecommunications resources accessed from both on-campus and remote locations. UB computing, network, telecommunications resources include host computer systems, university managed cloud services, university sponsored computers and workstations, software, non-public data, and communications networks controlled, administered, or accessed directly or indirectly.


For guidance and questions related to this policy contact the Information Security Office at 716-645-6997 or