BME Seminar Series

Entrepreneurship as a Neurosurgeon

Dr. Adnan H. Siddiqui.

Dr. Adnan H. Siddiqui

Professor and Vice Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, State University of New York at Buffalo’s Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

April 19, 2024 | 9:30-10:30 a.m. | 414 Bonner Hall


Dr. Adnan H. Siddiqui is a UB Distinguished Professor and Vice Chairman in the Department of Neurosurgery at the State University of New York at Buffalo’s Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. He has special interest and expertise in the performance of complementary microsurgical, radiosurgical and endovascular techniques for the comprehensive management of cerebrovascular conditions. This spectrum of disease includes aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations, as well as dural, cavernous and spinal fistulae. He has special interests in endovascular management of acute ischemic stroke, as well as endovascular and microsurgical management of extracranial and intracranial vascular occlusive disease. Dr. Siddiqui has over 500 peer reviewed publications, more than 50 chapters, almost 70,000 citations and an H index of 72. He is particularly proud of representing Buffalo and the US at most major cerebrovascular conferences around the world with over 400 international presentations to date. He has designed, conducted and lead multiple major national and international clinical trials and currently serves as National and International PI for multiple major funded multi-site trials.

He serves as the CEO and CMO of the Jacobs Institute which is focused on entrepreneurship, development and education opportunities with partners in the medical technology industry to advance the care of patients with vascular diseases. He also leads the Canon Stroke and Vascular Research Center at University at Buffalo and serves as the Director of the Neurosurgical Stroke Service at the Gates Vascular Institute in Buffalo, one of the busiest Comprehensive Stroke Services in New York State and the United States.

Event Date: April 19, 2024