Our faculty work in collaborative laboratories spanning all three University at Buffalo campuses. The partnerships they build within industry and across departments allows them to direct research at the forefront of the biomedical engineering field.
Combining knowledge of the human system and engineering-based quantitative problem-solving skills, biomedical engineering is at the forefront of research and development today. Spanning both the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Science and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, our faculty and students work on projects without limitations or departmental boundaries.
Our core courses provide hands-on engineering experiences that involve design and modeling. Our students are encouraged to explore particular interests in greater depth. Students have numerous opportunities to participate in research and watch medical discoveries move from bench to bedside.
Our researchers developed a new drug delivery method to target cancer cells — not the entire body — and limit the side effects of chemotherapy. This image shows a nanoballoon before (left) and after (right) being hit by a red laser. The laser causes the balloon to pop open and release the anti-cancer drugs directly at a tumor. Credit: Jonathan Lovell.
We provide the environment for you to excel. Our faculty members work closely with students as part of their research activities, providing them with the skills and knowledge needed for them to become successful researchers themselves.