Advising and Registration

MAE offers academic advising and registration help to all MAE students.

Advisement Registration FAQs Forms Technical Electives Resources


Advising related to general education courses should be obtained from SEAS advisors in 410 Bonner Hall. Typically, this means First Year, Sophomores, and Incoming Transfer students will work primarily with SEAS advisors.

Accepted Mechanical and Aerospace student are required to meet with their Faculty Advisor, prior to registering for the following core courses:

  • MAE311 Machines and Mechanisms I
  • MAE340 Dynamic Systems
  • MAE424 Aerodynamics 
  • MAE434 Aircraft Design
  • MAE451 Design Process and Methods
  • MAE494 Senior Design 

It is the responsibility of the student to set up a meeting with their Faculty advisor each semester. This meeting should take place before your registration window opens so that your registration is not delayed; your registration window is listed in your HUB Student Center in MyUB. Students are strongly encouraged to utilize Faculty Advisement appointments to not only gain permission to take core courses but also for professional development, identify interest areas and discuss research opportunities, career and/or graduate school aspirations, and choice of technical electives.

Advisors in MAE and SEAS are here to help you make good academic choices and possibly alert you to problems. However, in the end you are responsible for checking your HUB Academic Advisement Report (AAR) to make sure that you are satisfying all the degree requirements and meeting prerequisite requirements as needed for an on-time graduation.