- MAE 415 Advance Fluid Mechanics
- MAE 431 Energy Systems
- MAE 432 Advanced Thermodynamics
- MAE 438 Smart Materials
- MAE 442 Engineering Applications of CFD
- MAE 454 Road Vehicle Dynamics
- MAE 464 Manufacturing Automation
- MAE 467 Vibration and Shock 1
- MAE 470 Thermodynamics of Materials
- MAE 476 Mechatronics
- MAE 489 Materials Experimental Methods
- MAE 493 Robotics I
Fall Special Topics (may be offered alternate years and course number may change):
- MAE 402 Introduction to Additive Manufacturing
- MAE 433 HVAC Theory and Design
- MAE 435 Principals of Material Design
- MAE 438 Smart Materials
- MAE 444 Digital Control Systems
- MAE 477 CAD Applications
- MAE 478 Cardiovascular Biomechanics
- MAE 484 Nano/Microtechnologies for MEMS
- MAE 485 Mechanical Properties of Materials
- MAE 490 Robotics II
- MAE 493 Robotics I
Spring Special Topics (may be offered alternate years and course number may change):
- MAE 341 Feedback Control Systems
- MAE 400 Bioinspired and Biomimetic Engineering
- MAE 402 Unsteady Separated Flows
- MAE 409 Finite Element Methods
- MAE 410 Nanomechanics of Materials
- MAE 413 Engineering Optics