Information for Accepted Students

Congratulations on being accepted to UB MAE! This information will help guide you on the process to getting started.

The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences provides step-by-step instructions for all incoming graduate students on how to go from an accepted student to becoming an enrolled UB Bull:

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Orientation

Incoming students must attend the SEAS Orientation. This orientation is typically held the week before Fall Semester classes start.

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Orientation

All incoming students must attend the department’s orientation where they will be introduced to their preliminary advisor. This orientation typically is held the week before Fall Semester classes start.

Selecting & Enrolling in Courses

Each student is assigned a preliminary advisor upon admission. The preliminary advisor will:

  • Work with the student to decide course work that should be taken during the first year of graduate study.
  • Help with any general questions a student may have about the program, opportunities for research, or funding.
  • Help the student find an academic advisor for their MS thesis or Ph.D. dissertation. 

NOTE: New students can register for their first semester's courses with or without advisement from their preliminary advisor.

If you plan to transfer courses to UB from another institution, the Petition for Approval for non-UB Transfer Credits must be filled out.

New International Students