• Administrative Fee for Visiting Scholars
    While we recognize the intellectual value of hosting academic faculty visitors for extended visits to our departments and research groups, visiting scholars place an added burden on our administrative staff and systems.  The resources that must be deployed to arrange travel, visas, keys, cards, and space are not negligible, and are a significant cost to SEAS departments.  In line with processes at peer AAU institutions, a fee of $1,000 will henceforth be payable to the host SEAS department for each visiting scholar if (a) travel visa support is required, and / or (b) the visit is for longer than 10 working days.  This policy applies only to faculty visitors, not student visitors.
  • Cell Phone Financial Policy
    This policy covers financial information and reimbursement for cell phones and mobile communication devices.
  • Code of Professional Conduct
    In carrying out their professional obligations, engineers and scientists are guided by fundamental ethical canons and rules of practice. The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences community is guided by the following principles.
  • Emergency Guide
    For information and resources on UB alerts, campus emergency planning and preparedness resources, emergency and health and safety procedures, please visit the UB Emergency Website.
  • Patent Award Policy
    SEAS is pleased to announce a new policy to reward its faculty members for their technology transfer activities.
  • Sabbatical Leave Procedure
    Sabbaticals can be requested for one semester at full pay or two semesters at half pay.  Faculty members requesting sabbatical must have completed 12 semesters of full-time service to be eligible.
  • Statement on Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
    The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is committed to providing an environment free of all forms of discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, domestic and dating violence and stalking.
  • Getting Started Guide for Concur Supervisors and Cost Approvers
    As a Supervisor or Cost Approver in Concur, use this guide to learn about your role and how to get started using the system.
  • Getting Started Guide for Concur Travelers and Non-Travelers
    As a traveler or non-traveler in Concur, use this guide to learn about your role and how to get started using the system.
  • SEAS Bylaws
    The UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, (hereafter called SEAS) has as its mission the provision of effective and high-quality engineering education at the undergraduate, graduate and continuing education levels. Integral to this mission is an infrastructure of expertise and facilities supporting professional engineering and applied science education, advanced degree programs and research in important areas of applied science and technology. In addition, SEAS has the mission of providing service to the local and broader community in all aspects of engineering and applied science.
  • Student Coursework Feedback Statement
    The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is committed to providing students timely and effective feedback regarding submitted coursework (e.g., homework assignments, exams, quizzes, projects). Such feedback is an important component of the learning process. Instructors are encouraged to grade and return coursework as soon as is reasonably practicable, and no later than two weeks from the submission date. Exceptions are expected to be rare, and only in cases wherein there are legitimate extenuating circumstances for the instruction team (e.g., health concerns, family emergency). Students with concerns regarding delays in receiving timely feedback are encouraged to first contact the course instructor. If this outreach does not prove satisfactory, students are encouraged to contact the Director of Undergraduate/Graduate Studies and/or the Chair for their program and/or the SEAS Associate Dean for Accreditation and Student Affairs.
  • SEAS Online Document Policy
    The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) is committed to ensuring equal access to information that is presented online.
  • SEAS Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policy
    Here at UB’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, we strive to provide an atmosphere in which our students, faculty and staff can work and thrive. Every person in SEAS has the right to be able to work or study in an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, hostility and retaliation.
  • Safe Learning Environment Policy
    A safe learning environment in our classrooms, laboratories and other academic spaces will focus on academic achievement, maintaining high standards, excellence in research and fostering positive relationships between faculty, staff, and students.
  • Independent Contractor Policy
    Independent Contractors (IC) are generally individuals who follow an independent trade, business, or profession in which they offer their services to the public and complete such services free of control or direction from the payer as to the means and methods used to complete the task. Under the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) general rules, an individual is an IC if you, the payer, have the right to control the results of the work, not the means and methods.
  • SEAS Consulting Policy
    Faculty members who belong to professional associations and societies or who are invited to serve on scholarly or advisory bodies related to their academic work should participate actively, consistent with their responsibilities and obligations to the University. An activity is scholarly or professional if: (1) it involves research or scholarship through which the individual may make contributions to knowledge; (2) it gives the individual experience and knowledge of value to teaching or research; and (3) it is appropriate public service. University faculty members may serve as expert witnesses in administrative or judicial proceedings in which SUNY and SUNY‐Buffalo are not parties, provided they do so in a manner consistent with this policy on Professional and Outside Activities and Consulting and consistent with any University conflict of interest policies. Provisions of the Public Officers Law may bear upon outside activities by faculty members, who are advised to consult on possible conflicts of interest with the appropriate administrative offices. Faculty members who desire to engage in extensive part‐time employment that cannot be considered scholarly or professional must obtain written approval from the appropriate dean before undertaking such employment.
  • Summer Salary
    Individuals who might receive summer salary include:
  • Teaching Evaluations
    The results of course/teaching evaluations by students should be included in the dossier and presented in a standardized summary or tabular form, with an analysis of the summary as part of the Chair’s letter. This summary is generated by Tableau and will reflect the data from the university’s evaluation system. The raw data will also be included for the SEAS committee to review, so please make sure you’ve provided those records to your department administrator. 
  • Transferring Equipment
    UB is required by New York State, SUNY and RF to record assets that have a value greater than $5,000, are not consumable and have a probable life expectancy of one or more years.
  • State and UBF Summer Salary (State and UBF)
    If you are a 10-month faculty member, you’ll be eligible for summer salary. Often this is paid from grants or external funding, but faculty new to the university may have summer salary as part of their start up commitments. Regardless of the source, there are some common rules that must be followed:
  • Computing Technology Onboarding
    There are IT support units specific to faculty and staff members in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Below, you will find information on these units, and the processes for purchase hardware and software.