This award is presented to early career faculty member(s) whose recent research at UB demonstrates relevance and importance to the overall mission of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Eligible awardees must be full-time members of one of the School's departments/units and untenured at the Assistant Professor level. Additionally, they must have been at UB for a 3-year period. A faculty member may receive the Early Career Researcher Award only once. A maximum of two awards will be made each year. Individuals who have received the UB Exceptional Scholar Award for Young Investigator are not eligible for this award.
Each Chair may nominate up to three persons from his/her department for this award. A cover letter from the Chair (maximum 1 page) and recent CV (maximum 5 paqes) must accompany the nomination, together with a citation paragraph which states succinctly why the individual being nominated is worthy of the award. Applications shall be considered by the SEAS Awards Committee. The nominee's name (with nomination materials) will be forwarded to the Dean for final approval.
This award recognizes outstanding untenured early career researcher(s) in the school whose recent work at UB has made significant contributions to his or her field. This may be indicated by a significant publication(s), a sustained record of tier-one publications, or a sustained record.