Javid Bayandor


Javid Bayandor.

Javid Bayandor


Javid Bayandor


Research Interests

Space explorations and mission design; collision dynamics and crashworthiness; aerospace conceptual design; space physics; ballistics; bioinspired robotics; advanced aerospace structures; fluid-structure interactive systems

Biography Publications Teaching Research Latest News

Courses Taught

  • MAE 400—Special Topics (Spring 2025, Spring 2022, Spring 2020)
  • MAE 460—Special Topics (Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019)
  • MAE 513—Topics (Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019)
  • MAE 527—Special Topics (Spring 2025, Spring 2021)
  • MAE 541—Topics Finite Elements (Spring 2024, Spring 2022)
  • MAE 600—Advanced Topics (Spring 2020)