ISE associate professor Jun Zhuang has been awarded a three-year grant of $306K from the National Science Foundation for research on a project ''Robust Approval Process in the Face of Strategic Adversaries and Normal Applicants.''
Assistant Professor Lora Cavuoto recently completed an applied research project at MOD-PAC, a local manufacturer of folding cartons and personalized print products, to proactively address concerns related to injury risk.
ISE is making a difference in health system quality and effectiveness through a multidisciplinary approach that cuts across traditional areas in ISE to include faculty in service systems (Li Lin), human factors (Ann Bisantz, Lora Cavuoto, Victor Paquet) and operations research (Alex Nikolaev).
The volume and auditory properties of medical alarms can produce situations to where medical personnel cannot hear and properly respond to these alarms.
The National Football League (NFL) is the highest revenue generating sports league in the world and uses numerous complex rules in scheduling regular season games to maintain fairness, attractiveness and its wide appeal to all fans and franchises.
Large scale planned special events (PSE), such as sporting games, concerts, and parades, attracting high volume of pedestrians, buses and passenger vehicles, result in significant non-recurrent traffic congestion.
ISE faculty members Sara Behdad, Ann Bisantz, and industry partner Willie Cade are leading an NSF project on remediating Electronic Waste (e-waste) problems.