Building up Buffalo: Why entrepreneurs are deciding to stay in WNY after graduation

Published March 22, 2019 This content is archived.


A story on WIVB-TV and on student entrepreneurs from outside Western New York staying local to pursue startups interviewed two students from two companies, Classavo and ColdSpace, both started by UB students.

"There was a lot of brain-drain happening in the city, so a lot of intelligent people were leaving town to go to big cities to work there," Rohan Shah said, the CEO of Classavo, and former student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

The article reported how UB is now working to stop “brain-drain” from draining talent from Buffalo, “and Rohan Shah is a great example of that. Shah graduated from UB in 2015, but started Classavo while he was still a senior. Classavo is a software for use in higher education. Professors can upload all their textbooks and tests onto it, they can also go live during office hours on the program, and even take attendance through it.”

Read the story here.