Is face time over? New biometric tech identifies you through your ‘heartprint’

Published September 28, 2017 This content is archived.


An article on Yahoo Sports reports on UB research to develop a computer security system that uses radar to read your personal heart rate signature, and quotes Wenyao Xu, assistant professor of computer science and engineering.

“We developed this non-contact and continuous heart biometric system using the a new Doppler radar sensor,” he said. “Working like a Wi-Fi router, our sensor can send a wireless signal and receive the bounced-back signal, coupled with the user’s heart motion and geometrical traits. We use these features to identify users because each individual has unique heart traits.”

Read the Yahoo Sports story here.

Read the Fleekist story here.

Read the Digital Trends story here.

Read the Startlr Tech story here.

Read the PC Mag story here

Read the Security Week story here.