The past is key to the future: The impact of ancient ice sheet collapse on atmospheric circulation and the water cycle

Elizabeth Thomas, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Geology

University at Buffalo

Friday, November 22 | 11:00 a.m. | 223 Jarvis Hall


Elizabeth Thomas.

Professor Thomas will take you on a (virtual!) time machine to the geologic past to demonstrate how her team studies past water cycle changes, and what they are finding.


Elizabeth Thomas is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geology at the University at Buffalo. She is the Fulbright Norway Researcher (2022-2023) and the recipient of NSF CAREER award in the Paleoclimate Program (2021). Dr. Thomas holds a PhD from Brown University (2014), MS from University at Buffalo (NSF-Graduate Research Fellow, 2008), and BS from Smith College (2005). As a geologist specializing in organic and stable isotope geochemistry, her research focuses on paleoclimate reconstruction, using proxy system models to understand the water cycle response to rapid warming events in Arctic regions and Western New York. She directs UB's Organic and Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Lab and teaches the Carbon Reduction Challenge course, guiding students in collaborating with local businesses to reduce carbon footprints.