Core Faculty

  • Francine Battaglia.
    Francine Battaglia, PhD
    PhD, Pennsylvania State University

    208 Bell Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1470

    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Computational fluid dynamics; building energy utilization and renewable/alternative energy; turbulent multiphase and reacting flows

  • Javid Bayandor.
    Javid Bayandor, PhD
    PhD, The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

    1004 Furnas Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1422

    Associate Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Space explorations and mission design; collision dynamics and crashworthiness; aerospace conceptual design; space physics; ballistics; bioinspired robotics; advanced aerospace structures; fluid-structure interactive systems

  • Eleonora Botta.
    Eleonora Botta, PhD
    PhD, McGill University

    1005 Furnas Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-2802

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Dynamics and control of space tethers and large flexible space structures, active debris removal, collision detection and avoidance, spacecraft dynamics

  • Hyeongyun Cha.
    Hyeongyun Cha, PhD
    PhD, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    314 Jarvis Hall

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Phase change heat transfer, micro/nanoengineered materials, interfacial phenomena, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R) systems, data-driven design.

  • James Chen.
    James Chen, PhD
    PhD, The George Washington University

    325 Jarvis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-3162

    Associate Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Fundamental theories and numerical simulation for different physical problems across multiple spatial and temporal scale; turbulence; triboelectricity; atomistic simulation; continuum mechanics; applied mathematics; multiscale simulation

  • Souma Chowdhury.
    Souma Chowdhury, PhD
    PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

    246 Bell Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-3059

    Associate Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Adjunct Associate Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Nature inspired computing (evolutionary, swarm, and neural algorithms) for design and AI; metamodeling and multi-fidelity optimization; MINLP; swarm systems and swarm-bots; autonomous systems; and unmanned aerial vehicles

  • Deborah Chung.
    Deborah Chung, PhD
    PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    608 Furnas Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-3977

    SUNY Distinguished Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Multidisciplinary research and teaching that are focused on materials science and engineering, particularly multifunctional structural materials (with functions including self-sensing, self-powering and vibration damping), electromagnetic shielding materials, and thermal interface materials (for microelectronic cooling). Other topics include three-dimensional printing, dielectric conductors and interface-derived viscoelasticity.

  • John Crassidis.
    John Crassidis, PhD
    PhD, University at Buffalo

    1003 Furnas Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1426

    Moog Professor of Innovation
    SUNY Distinguished Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Executive Director
    Collaborative Institute for Multisource Information Fusion
    Center for Space Cyber Strategy and Cyber Security

    Research Interests: Spacecraft attitude determination & control; formation flying guidance & navigation; robust nonlinear control; vehicle attitude dynamics

  • Gary Dargush.
    Gary Dargush, PhD
    PhD, University at Buffalo

    223 Bell Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-2315

    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Computational and applied mechanics; size-dependent and multi-physics mechanics; boundary element methods; finite element methods; thermomechanics; computational fluid dynamics; structural dynamics and earthquake engineering

  • Paul DesJardin.
    Paul DesJardin, PhD
    PhD, Purdue University

    336 Jarvis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1467

    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Center for Hybrid Rocket Exascale Simulation Technology (CHREST)
    Combustion and Energy Transport Laboratory (CET)

    Research Interests: Multiphase reacting flows; propulsion; fire and combustion; computational fluid dynamics; fluid- structure simulation

  • Ehsan Esfahani.
    Ehsan Esfahani, PhD
    PhD, University of California, Riverside

    245 Bell Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-2517

    Associate Professor
    Director of Graduate Studies
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Artificial intelligence in design and engineering; interactive CAD interfaces; brain computer interfaces; human-machine interactions; bipedal locomotion (human and humanoids); bio-robotics and mechatronics

  • Danial Faghihi.
    Danial Faghihi, PhD
    PhD, Louisiana State University

    607 Furnas Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1450

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Multiscale and multiphysics computational modeling; data-driven predictive modeling; model validation and uncertainty quantification; advanced manufacturing; tumor growth and treatment

  • Chaozhe He.
    Chaozhe He, PhD
    PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

    1007 Furnas Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1432

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Safe and efficient autonomous system; nonlinear dynamics and control; data-driven, learning based control design and verification

  • Susan Zonglu Hua.
    Susan Zonglu Hua, PhD
    PhD, University of Maryland

    340 Jarvis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1471

    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Cellular mechanosensitivity; cell-cell and cell-ECM interaction; traumatic brain injury (TBI); microfluidic devices and live-cell imaging

  • Kemper E. Lewis.
    Kemper E. Lewis, PhD
    PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

    208 Davis Hall

    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Director of the Sustainable Manufacturing and Advanced Technologies (SMART) CoE
    Sustainable Manufacturing and Advanced Robotic Technologies
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Large-Scale Systems Design, Design Analytics, Collaborative Design Methods, Decentralized Design, Decision Theory, Decision Networks, Additive Manufacturing, Multiobjective Optimization, Machine Learning for Design and Manufacturing

  • Jiaoyan Li.
    Jiaoyan Li, PhD
    PhD, The George Washington University

    605 Furnas Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-2734

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Multiscale modeling from atom to continuum, computational mechanics and high performance computing, with applications to nano-/bio-/energy systems

  • Ketki Lichade.
    Ketki Lichade, PhD
    PhD, University of Illinois Chicago

    243 Bell Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-9346

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Advanced Manufacturing; Process-Structure-Property Relationship; Additive Manufacturing; Functional Materials; Composite Manufacturing; Multiscale Manufacturing; Process Control and Optimization; Bio-inspired Design

  • Jun Liu.
    Jun Liu, PhD
    PhD, University of Alberta

    611 Furnas Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1410

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Advanced energy materials; Nano/micro-mechanics; Self-powered electronics and systems; Nanotechnology; Scanning probe microscopy (SPM)

  • Hui Meng.
    Hui Meng, PhD
    PhD, University of Houston

    313 Jarvis Hall (North Campus)

    Room 8040, CTRC (GVI), 875 Ellicott Street, Buffalo (TSVRC Office)

    Phone: (716) 645-9173 (North Campus) (716) 829-5406 (CSVRC Office)

    UB Distinguished Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Biomedical engineering; hemodynamics and vascular biomechanics; advanced laser flow diagnostics; computational fluid dynamics

    313 Jarvis Hall (North Campus)

    Room 8040, CTRC (GVI), 875 Ellicott Street, Buffalo (TSVRC Office)

    Phone: (716) 645-9173 (North Campus) (716) 829-5406 (CSVRC Office)

  • Joe Mook.
    D. Joseph Mook, PhD
    PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

    1008 Furnas Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1427

    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Controls; dynamics; system identification; estimation theory; modeling; nonlinear and chaotic dynamic systems

  • Dr. Mostafa Nouh.
    Mostafa Nouh, PhD
    PhD, University of Maryland

    1012 Furnas Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1449

    Associate Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Adjunct Associate Professor
    Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Structural dynamics; acoustics; vibration damping and control; smart materials; energy harvesting; metamaterials and periodic structures

  • Ramasubramanian.
    Melur K. Ramasubramanian, PhD
    PhD, Syracuse University

    353 Broadway

    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost
    SUNY System Administration
    SUNY Research Foundation

    Research Topics: Microfluidic systems using advanced biomaterials and biological processes

  • Matthew Ringuette.
    Matthew Ringuette, PhD
    PhD, California Institute of Technology

    327 Jarvis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1461

    Associate Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Experimental fluid mechanics; vortex dynamics; unsteady aerodynamics; bio-inspired propulsion with applications to autonomous air and underwater vehicles; fluid-structure interactions; and high-speed flow

  • David Salac.
    David Salac, PhD
    PhD, University of Michigan

    326 Jarvis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1460

    Associate Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Computational fluid dynamics; material systems with moving interfaces; numerical methods; directed self-assembly; high performance computing

  • Sangwoo Shin.
    Sangwoo Shin, PhD
    PhD, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

    324 Jarvis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-5914

    Associate Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Complex fluids and soft matter; transport phenomena; micro/nanofluidics; electrokinetics; drug delivery; bioseparation; bacterial motility; hydrocarbon recovery

  • Tarun Singh.
    Tarunraj Singh, PhD
    PhD, University of Waterloo

    1009 Furnas Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1428

    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Target tracking; human-vehicle control; optimal control; nonlinear control; dynamics & control of flexible structures

  • Craig Snoeyink.
    Craig Snoeyink, PhD
    PhD, Purdue University

    337 Jarvis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1468

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Microfluidics; micro-particle tracking/particle image velocimetry; super-resolution imaging; biomedical imaging

  • Ryan St. Pierre.
    Ryan St. Pierre, PhD
    PhD, University of Maryland

    244 Bell Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1451

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Interests: Microrobots, insect biomechanics, and MEMS

  • Xin Yong.
    Xin Yong, PhD
    PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

    331 Jarvis Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-1417

    Associate Professor
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    Research Topics: Soft matter modeling; electrospray deposition; colloidal transport; nanoparticle-cell interactions; hydrodynamics of microswimmers; polymer nanocomposites; membrane vesicles and biofilms