This annual symposium is dedicated to the late Erich Bloch, former director of the National Science Foundation who helped endow the Department of Materials Design and Innovation at UB.
2018 Erich Bloch Symposium group photo of speakers and faculty.
2018 Erich Bloch Symposium: Accelerating Innovation for a Regenerative Economy
8:30 AM Registration and Breakfast
Welcome and Overview
9:30 – 9:45 Welcome: Robin Schulze, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, and Professor of English, University at Buffalo
9:45 – 10:00 Overview: Krishna Rajan, Erich Bloch Chair; and Empire Innovation Professor, Department of Materials Design and Innovation, University at Buffalo
Why Do Materials Matter? And Why Do Material Scientists Matter?
Session One | Materials Matter: From Molecules to Neighborhoods
Moderator: David Castillo, Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and Director, Humanities Institute, University at Buffalo
This session explores how innovations in materials science can lead to positive societal impact in areas such as health, energy, and environmental sustainability. The Materials Design and Innovation department’s highly interdisciplinary activities demonstrate the application of fundamental research to education, economic development, and industry / community engagement.
10:00 – 10:45 Keynote
Michael Ward, Silver Chair Professor of Chemistry; and Director, Molecular Design Institute, New York University
Fact Driven Science Policy: A Case Study of Crystalline Insecticides
We recently reported the discovery of a new form of the contact insecticide DDT that is a good example of scientific research that involves a convergence of materials science and biology. Our work suggests a unique opportunity to innovate more effective formulations that not only are more lethal but may be less susceptible to resistance development. However our recent discovery of this new form of DDT have led some to attempt to peddle a false narrative to restore the reputation of this notorious insecticide and about the history of pesticide regulation, disseminating rhetorical arguments aimed at affecting responses to climate change science. The misuse of DDT science in order to influence public policy is discussed.
10:45 – 11:30 MDI Jamboree I: Poster Speakers
Two minute ‘flash presentations’ by MDI students to communicate the innovative aspects of their research and why it matters for a regenerative economy. The poster session at the end of the day provides an opportunity for students to explain their research in more detail.
11:45-12:45 Lunch
Session Two | Materials Matter: Emerging Trends and Opportunities
Moderator: Grace Wang, Interim Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development, State University of New York; and Professor, Department of Materials Design and Innovation, University at Buffalo
Science for the public good: how can national research priorities and agenda help with community advancement? Developing research agendas and approaches that are more intentional in solving community challenges.
1:00 – 2:00 Keynote
Linda Sapochak; Director, Division of Materials Research, National Science Foundation
Big Idea Challenges for Materials Research
Today materials researchers have a higher responsibility to help the world meet the challenges facing society. Although materials research has expanded to include several disciplines and is inherently “interdisciplinary”, this is not enough. The requirements have increased due to the growing complexity of societal problems and their solutions. An overview of the NSF Big Ideas and related materials challenges will be presented.
2:00 – 4:00 Panel Discussion
The 4th Industrial Economy: Trends and opportunities for renewable energy, green materials, and resource conservation.
Invited Speakers:
Mark Shima, President, Panasonic ECO Solutions Solar of New York
Frits Abell, Managing Director, Echo Creative Ventures, Inc.
Jonathan Bird, Professor and Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo
Kemper Lewis, Professor and Chair, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Director, Sustainable Manufacturing and Advanced Robotic Technologies, University at Buffalo
4:00 – 5:00 MDI Jamboree II: Poster Session (Refreshments served / group picture)
8:00 – 9:00 Registration, Breakfast
Kristina M. Johnson Chancellor, State University of New York; and Professor of Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo.
Moderated by: Liesl Folks; Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Professor of Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo
Session Three | Enabling a Regenerative Economy
The building blocks of a regenerative economy: how do scientists, academics, NGO’s, community and corporate activists work on the various components of a regenerative economy?
Moderator: Krishna Rajan, Erich Bloch Chair, Department of Materials Design and Innovation, University at Buffalo
10:00 – 10:45 Keynote
Don Sadoway, John F. Elliott Professor of Materials Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Understanding the Science of Materials to Generate Disruptive Technologies: The Liquid Metal Batteries Story
10:45 – 11:30 Invited Talks
Payal Sampat, Mining Program Director, Earthworks
Non-renewable Resources for Renewable Technologies- A Critical Assessment
Sheila Davis, Executive Director, Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
Moving Toward a Just and Sustainable Solar Industry and the Benefits of Designing a Circular Economy
11:25 – 11:45 Group Photo (second floor atrium)
11:45 – 12:30 Lunch
Session Four | Innovation with Intent
This session provides different views on the development and use of materials in from a systems perspective.
Moderator: Krishna Rajan, Erich Bloch Chair, Department of Materials Design & Innovation; University at Buffalo
12:30 – 1:15 Keynote
William Petuskey, Professor, School of Molecular Sciences; and Director, Advanced Materials Initiatives, Arizona State University
Materials for a regenerative economy
1:15 – 2:00 Invited Talks
Mark Rossi, Executive Director, Clean Production Action
The Safer Chemicals and Chemical Footprint Project
David Furrer, Senior Fellow Discipline Lead, Pratt and Whitney; and incoming President of ASM International, the Materials Information Society
Data Needs for Materials Processing
Session Five | Re-Imagining Industry within a Regenerative Economy
Will the 4th Industrial Economy inevitably bring with it some negative consequences (environmental impact, labor displacement, income inequality) or will it better position us to address complex societal challenges like climate change, poverty, health and well-being?
Moderator: Christina Orsi, Associate Vice President, Economic Development, University at Buffalo
2:00 – 2:45 Keynote
Helga Vanthournout, Senior Expert, Center for the Business and the Environment, McKinsey & Company, Geneva, Switzerland
The View from the World Economic Forum: Circular Economies
2:45 – 3:30 Invited Talks
John Fullerton, Founder and President, Capital Institute
Regenerative Capitalism: Implications for Emerging Economies, and its Potential Impact on Industrial Regions like Buffalo Niagara
Charles Ruffing, Director, New York State Pollution Prevention Institute, Rochester Institute for Technology
Implications for a Regional Circular Economy
3:30 – 3:45 Break
Session Six | Mapping Pathways to Solution
A holistic approach to developing safer options to hazardous chemicals in products, manufacturing, and supply chains. This panel will highlight the current challenges with hazardous chemicals and materials management in the value chain – especially in the electronic and building product sectors – and identify solutions for accelerating the substitution of hazard chemicals with safer solutions.
Moderator: Alexandra McPherson, Principal, Niagara Share
3:45 – 5:00 Panel Discussion
Lauren Asplen; Director, Healthy Sustainability Program, BlueGreen Alliance
Engaging Front-line Workers in Identifying Energy Efficiency Opportunities
Ken Geiser, Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Sustainable Production and Industrial Development
Sarah O’Brien, Director, Clean Electronics Production Network
Clean Production Electronics Network’s Approach to Industry-wide Innovation - A Model for the ‘Factory of the Future’
Jim Vallette, Research Director, Health Building Network
Creating a Chemical and Material Library to Advance Green Building Materials
5:00 – 7:00 Reception
The 2018 Summer Institute included additional events in conjunction with the Erich Bloch Symposium. On June 6, the Collaboratory for a Regenerative Economy (CoRE) hosted a workshop – the CoRE Change Agent Summit. On June 2, MDI and CoRE participated in the Western New York Youth Climate Action Summit.
CoRE is funded with generous support from The JPB Foundation.
Event Start Date: June 4, 2018 This content is archived.