Sabrina Casucci


Sabrina Casucci.

Sabrina Casucci


Sabrina Casucci


Research Topics

Data-driven healthcare and decision making; precision health solutions; health disparities; aging and cognitive decline

Biography Publications Teaching Research Latest News

Recent Publications

  1. Casucci, S., Hewner, S.b, Cross-sector information exchange to improve transitional care coordination: A socio-technical intervention to highlight social need. Currently under review with Frontiers in Health Services
  2. Bhandawat, R., Casucci, S.b, Ramamurthy, B., & Walteros, J. L. (2022). Cooperative Blood Inventory Ledger (CoBIL): A decentralized decision-making framework for improving blood product management. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 172, 108571.
  3. Roma, Ma., Sullivan, S. S., & Casucci, S.b (2022). TILE-12 index: an interpretable instrument for identifying older adults at risk for transitions in living environment within the next 12-months. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 1-19.
  4. Chang, Y-P. b, Casucci, S., Roma, N., Dermen, K., & Barrick, C. (2021). Engaging Patients in Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care: A Technology-Based System to Facilitate Behavioral Health Screening for Patients in Rural and Underserved Areas. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 39(4), 215-220.
  5. Sullivan, S.b, Casucci, S., Li, C. (2020) Eliminating the Surprise Question leaves Home Care providers with few options for identifying mortality risk. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 37(7), 542-548.
  6. Casucci, S., Zhou, Y., Bhattacharya, B., Sun, L., Nikolaev, A., & Lin, L. b (2019). Causal analysis of the impact of homecare services on patient discharge disposition. Home health care services quarterly, 38(3): 162-181.
  7. Somayaji, D., Chang, Y-P, Casucci, S., Xue, Y., Hewner, S. (2018). Exploring Medicaid claims data to understand predictors of healthcare utilization and mortality for Medicaid individuals with or without a diagnosis of lung cancer: a feasibility study. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 8(3), 400-408.
  8. Casucci, S., Lin, L., Hewner, S, Nikolaev, A.b (2017). Estimating the causal effects of chronic disease combinations on 30-day hospital readmissions based on observational Medicaid data. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 25(6), 670-678. 
  9. Casucci, S., Lin, L.b, & Nikolaev, A. (2018). Modeling the impact of care transition programs on patient outcomes and 30 day hospital readmissions. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 63, 7079.
  10. Sullivan, S. S., Mistretta, F., Casucci, S., & Hewner, S.b (2017). Integrating social context into comprehensive shared care plans: A scoping review. Nursing Outlook, 65(5), 597-606.
  11. Hewner, S., Casucci, S., Sullivan, S., Mistretta, F., Xue, Y., Johnson, B., ... & Fox, C. b (2017). Integrating Social Determinants of Health into Primary Care Clinical and Informational Workflow during Care Transitions. eGEMS (Generating Evidence & Methods to Improve Patient Outcomes), 5(2).
  12. Hewner, S.b, Casucci, S., & Castner, J. (2016). The Roles of Chronic Disease Complexity, Health System Integration, and Care Management in Post‐Discharge Healthcare Utilization in a Low‐Income Population. Research in Nursing & Health, 39(4), 215-228.
  13. McGeorge, N., Hegde, S., Berg, R. L., Guarrera-Schick, T. K., LaVergne, D. T., Casucci, S. N., ... & Benda, N. C. (2015). Assessment of Innovative Emergency Department Information Displays in a Clinical Simulation Center. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 9(4), 329-346.

aStudent with Casucci as major advisor
bIndicates senior author