Finally, 3D-printed graphene aerogels for water treatment

Published April 20, 2021


The American Association for the Advancement of Science featured research on the use of 3D printed graphene aerogels for water treatment by Nirupam Aich and Chi Zhou in a Eureka Alert.

"We can use these aerogels not only to contain graphene particles but also nanometal particles which can act as catalysts," says Aich, an assistant professor in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. "The future goal is to have nanometal particles embedded in the walls and the surface of these aerogels and they would be able to degrade or destroy not only biological contaminants, but also chemical contaminants."

Aich, Chi, and Masud hold a pending patent for the graphene aerogel described in the study, and they are looking for industrial partners to commercialize this process.

The study — “3D printed graphene-biopolymer aerogels for water contaminant removal: a proof of concept” — was published in the Emerging Investigator Series of the journal Environmental Science: Nano. Arvid Masud, PhD, a former student in Aich’s lab, is the lead author; Chi Zhou, associate professor of industrial and systems engineering at UB, is a co-author.

Read the story here. This story was also covered by many other technical news outlets.