Since his graduation in 1978 from UB’s Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, Daniel C. Oliverio’s career has taken unexpected and unusual paths. After receiving his BS with honors, Dan went on to earn an MBA. from the Graduate School of Management at UB, and then a JD cum laude from UB's Law School. Dan then joined the law firm Hodgson Russ, where he practiced as a litigator until being offered the position of assistant U.S. attorney. Dan temporarily left Hodgson Russ to assume that role, returning to Hodgson Russ as a partner several years later.
In 2011, Dan was elected by his partners as the chairman of Hodgson Russ. One of the oldest law firms in the United States, Hodgson Russ has 200-plus attorneys and offices across New York State and in Palm Beach, Florida, and Toronto, Ontario, making it one of the country’s 200 largest law firms. Hodgson Russ attorneys facilitate the U.S. legal aspects of transactions around the world, practicing in virtually every substantive area of law.
In addition to serving as chairman of the firm, Dan leads Hodgson Russ's False Claims Act and Business Crimes Practice Groups and is a member of the firm's Business Litigation Practice Group, placing him among the firm's leaders in both civil business litigation and white-collar criminal and regulatory matters, including corporate investigations and compliance. Dan has also appeared in numerous federal False Claims Act cases on behalf of both relators and defendants.
Practicing primarily before the U.S. district courts, Dan has appeared in 15 federal district courts over the past six years. He has served as counsel in numerous commercial cases; in intellectual property cases, including patent disputes; and in white-collar criminal investigations involving taxation, fraud, antitrust, and environmental crimes. Relying on his strong technical background, Dan has handled numerous cases involving sophisticated scientific or technical issues. By virtue of his representation of one of the largest health care systems in New York State, Dan has wide experience in the analysis and defense of civil and criminal health care fraud investigations. He is also an experienced Surrogate's Court litigator, having represented objectants in one of the largest Surrogate's Court trust accounting verdicts in New York State.
Dan serves as Hodgson Russ’s primary relationship partner on a number of key engagements, including with a major commercial bank, a substantial regional construction and construction management company, and a global manufacturing concern. He is one of only a handful of former assistant U.S. attorneys who are also licensed to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Dan is also licensed to practice before the Canadian Patent and Trademark Office and handles a substantial amount of cross-border litigation and counseling through the firm's Toronto office.
Still very actively involved with UB, Dan is a member of the Law School Dean's Advisory Council and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences ISE's Department Advisory Board, making him the only UB alumnus currently sitting on two advisory councils. He taught trial technique as a member of the UB Law School's adjunct faculty. In addition, in 2009, Mr. Oliverio was appointed by New York State Governor David Paterson to the Erie County Fiscal Stability Authority, which he chaired from 2010-12.