Graduate Student Research Highlight

Congratulations, you have been recommended by your advisor for a small feature in the Graduate Research section of the upcoming annual UB CBE print newsletter.

Guidelines for your highlight:

- The body text should be no longer than 100 words, 75 is even better.

- Completed online form and images are due on Thursday, June 27

Example: “PhD Student Oluwatoyin Campbell uses molecular dynamics to understand bio-interactions at the cell membrane interface”
Example: Using realistic membrane models for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), she aims to determine the role of lipid species in the binding and insertion of p7, a protein channel for the hepatitis C virus.
Examples: Her work on p7- membrane interactions has been published in Biophysical Journal and The Journal of Structural Biology.
Example: She is involved in activities with the GradSWE (Society of Women Engineers) at UB and mentoring undergraduates, and recently published a protocol for membrane simulations in the Journal of Visual Experiments (JoVE).

Don't forget to upload your research image and headshot!

Each image should be at least 300 dpi.

Access the shared UB Box folder to upload them before the due date.

  • For your research image, use the file name: yourname_researchimage
  • For your headshot image, use the file name: yourname_headshot