Thursday, February 22







11am - 2pm Bots Maze (ASCE): Come spectate as engineering clubs enter their Battle Bots into the ASCE Bots Maze. Teams will have 2 chances to send their bot through the maze avoiding all obstacles the fastest. 145 Student Union
12pm - 2pm Critter Race (IEEE): Students will create their own little critter to race against other students' designs in hopes of being the fastest one to the finish line. Students will be given a limited amount of time and materials to create their critter with the only requirement being that their critter can move on their own. 235 Student Union
3m - 5pm Recycled Terrarium (ESW): Join Engineers for a Sustainable World and build your own terrarium out of recycled material provided by ESW. 145 Student Union
4pm - 6pm Mini Motor Cars (ASME): Join ASME and build your own mini motor car! Using only the materials provided, participants must build their car in 15 minutes to be the fastest. 210 Student Union: Landmark Room
6pm - 8pm Escape the Island! Design Competition (DREAM): During this event, students will be given a marshmallow, and it is their goal to safely transport a mini figure on their ship as far away as possible from the island. There will be two rewards: the people's choice award and the farthest distance traveled. Students can gain points by participating or by winning the competition. Tools will be provided by the DREAM Hub, and students are welcome to use anything they can find in the lab.  118 Bonner: DREAM Lab
6pm - 11pm Battle Bots Setup 145 Student Union