Computing Services Fee

Davis Hall.

Davis Hall is home to 15 of CSE's research labs and its three data centers

CSE collects Computing Services (CS) fees to cover critical departmental expenses:

  • UB and SEAS do not fund CSE to purchase compute servers or computing infrastructure equipment.
  • CSE is required to contribute at least 50% of startup equipment funds for new faculty hires.

Other UB departments mandate IFR instead.

Grant Proposals

For all research grant proposals or pending awards, CSE asks each principal investigator to:

  1. Include the CS fee in the budget.  Round up your monthly effort (so even if it's 0.2 months, make it 1 month) and specify the CS-fee related effort in each year and the amount in the ESPAS submission system's "Comment" section.
  2. Send Virginia the updated/final budget, with the info on the CS-fee related  effort in each year and the amount.
  3. Work with Virginia on billing SPS quarterly for the CS-fee, according to the (final) budgeted CS-fee.


The approved CSE Computing Services fee rate for sponsored activity is $156/month, approved September, 2015.