James N. Jensen


James N. Jensen.

James N. Jensen


James N. Jensen


Education Publications Teaching Research Awards Latest News
  • J.N. Jensen. Disinfection model based on excess inactivation sites: implications for linear disinfection curves and the Chick-Watson dilution coefficient. Environ. Sci. Technol., 44(21), 8162-8168, 2010.
  • S. Kim, J.N. Jensen, D.S. Aga, and A.S. Weber. Tetracycline as a selector for resistant bacteria in activated sludge. Chemosphere, 66(9), 1643-1651, 2007.
  • S. Kim, D.A. Aga, J.N. Jensen, and A.S. Weber. Effect of Sequencing Batch Reactor Operation on Presence and Concentration of Tetracycline-Resistant Organisms. Water Environ. Res., 79(11), 2287-2297, 2007.
  • S. Kim, J.N. Jensen, D.S. Aga, and A.S. Weber. Fate of tetracycline resistant bacteria as a function of activated sludge process organic loading and growth rate. Water Sci. Technol., 55(1-2), 291-297, 2007.
  • J.N. Jensen and B.A. Madge. Ultraviolet Disinfection of Fecal Coliform in Municipal Wastewater: Effects of Particle Size. Water Environ. Res., 78(3), 294-304, 2006.
  • J.N. Jensen. Environmental Infrastructure after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: A View from the Field. Clearwaters, 36(3), 12-17, 2006.
  • S. Kim, P. Eichhorn, J.N. Jensen, A.S. Weber, and D.S. Aga. Removal of Antibiotics in Wastewater:  Effect of Hydraulic and Solid Retention Times on the Fate of Tetracycline in the Activated Sludge Process. Environ. Sci. Technol., 39(15), 5816–5823, 2005.
  • B.A. Made and J.N. Jensen. Disinfection of Wastewater Using 20 KHz Ultrasound. Water Environ. Res., 74(2), 159-169, 2002.
  • W.-L. Chen and J.N. Jensen. Effect of chlorine demand on the ammonia breakpoint curve: Model development, validation with nitrite, and application to municipal wastewater. Water Environ. Res., 73(6), 721-731, 2001.
  • J.N. Jensen. Approach to Steady State in Completely Mixed Flow Reactors. ASCE (J. Environ. Eng.), 127(1),13-18, 2001.