The Department achieves unprecedented growth in its research programs. Faculty are awarded significant grants from government agencies including the FAA, NIA, U.S. Army, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NSF, NASA, NIJ, NIOSH and ONR, and private industry including American Precision Industries, Buffalo Wireworks, Clearing Niagara, Leica and Praxair.
Colin Drury receives HFES Paul M. Fitts Education Award (1992) and is named Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Fellow (1993).
1991: UB Establishes the nation’s first construction safety and health initiative under the leadership of Dr. Martin Helander, co-principle investigator of the project.
1992: Colin Drury serves as North American Editor of Applied Ergonomics (1992-2007)
1994: Mark Karwan serves as Acting Dean, Interim Dean (1995) and Dean (1996), School of Engineering and Applied Sciences from 2004 until 2006.
1996: The Center for Multisource Information Fusion is established under the leadership of Dr. James Llinas, an international recognized expert on data fusion.