Computer Science Education (undergraduate and graduate); Introductory programming education; Assessment; Grading, and grading practices (with a focus on equitable grading); Neurodivergent learners in computer science
My research area is computing education. The main goal of my work has been improving the student experience in computing courses and degree programs. I am interested in how the study of computing prior to coming to university impacts students as they continue on their educational careers. I am interested in tools, techniques, and pedagogies to improve the teaching of introductory programming (CS1-CS2). My current work in this area brings in techniques from educational psychology (worked examples and subgoal labeling) into the introductory classroom to improve student understanding of introductory concepts. I have just begun a project that looks at learning for intermediate computing students at the university level. I am interested in issues of assessment and evaluation in computing education in general, and in the introductory courses specifically. I have done work in and continue to be interested in the history of computing, computing education, and computer games.
(2019 to Present)
(2019 to Present)
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