Student Profile

Qiuxing Chen

PhD, Engineering Education, May 2027 (Expected)

Qiuxing Chen.
“The Department of Engineering Education is made up of diverse, driven faculty and staff that are always ready to support its students in their research and learning endeavors. ”
Qiuxing Chen, PhD Student
Department of Engineering Education

Why did you choose to go into engineering education?

Engineering education plays a vital part in shaping the future of engineering students, and can range from a sense of belonging in their fields to effective learning/teaching methods. I chose to go into engineering education because I enjoyed helping my classmates with understanding engineering concepts and finding different ways to explain engineering topics.

Why did you choose UB?

I chose UB for its location and great engineering programs. I had previously completed my undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering, and the professors here inspired me to pursue a teaching career in engineering. 

What do you like most about engineering education at UB?

The Department of Engineering Education is made up of diverse, driven faculty and staff that are always ready to support its students in their research and learning endeavors. One thing about engineering education itself is that it can range from a series of topics that goes beyond just learning and teaching methods, such as sense of belonging, mental health in engineering, and equity and inclusion in engineering.

What have you done that you are most proud of (extracurriculars, research, a project, etc.)?

I am proud of my current project focusing on recognizing and understanding mental health in Asian engineering student groups, as well as methods we can take to reduce the stigmatization of mental health conditions in Asian communities. 

What else are you involved in and/or passionate about?

I am also interested in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives around campus, including the roles of TAs and faculty in promoting an equitable learning space.

What are your future plans?

My current plans for the future include continuing my current role as a teaching assistant for an introductory engineering course and my research. My future goals include teaching as a professor in early engineering courses or in engineering education.