Student Profile

Leah Maykish

PhD, Engineering Education, Dec 2027 (Expected)

Leah Maykish.
“As someone returning to school after many years as an established adult, I feel both respected for my experience as a professional and supported in my learning. ”
Leah Maykish, PhD Student
Department of Engineering Education

Why did you choose to go into engineering education?

My love of engineering education began during my undergraduate degree at The Ohio State University where I was a teaching assistant for three years with Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors (FEH). I loved my experience in the classroom but had planned to pursue my career in mechanical engineering design after graduation. I worked for seven years in industry at multiple companies primarily in design and analysis with the dream of eventually adjunct teaching at a college or university before finally finding the engineering education department at UB and deciding to transition completely.

Why did you choose UB?

I have known about UB since I moved to Buffalo in 2017 for an engineering job at MOOG, inc. I found out that UB had just started a Department of Engineering Education through networking at a Society of Women Engineers regional conference in Buffalo and realized that it was a perfect fit to combine my love of engineering and teaching at a school that was right down the road from my home.

What do you like most about engineering education at UB?

Ever since joining this department, I feel like the department and professors have made an effort to treat the PhD students as friends and future colleagues. PhD students are included in guest lectures and department events as equals. We celebrate milestones and accomplishments of both students and faculty. As someone returning to school after many years as an established adult, I feel both respected for my experience as a professional and supported in my learning.

What have you done that you are most proud of (extracurriculars, research, a project, etc.)?

My son was born after my first semester of the PhD program. I am proud of the work that I was able to do during Spring 2024, my first semester back with a newborn. Not only was I able to maintain my schoolwork and stay home with my son, but I also was able to develop a first draft research proposal for my dissertation, co-author a journal paper, and first author a work in progress conference paper. None of this would be possible without the support and flexibility of my advisor Dr. Jessica Swenson and the whole department.

What else are you involved in and/or passionate about?

I am a proud member and leader of the tenor section in Buffalo Gateway Chorus, an award-winning Sweet Adelines International women's barbershop chorus.

What are your future plans?

I hope to help early career engineers in industry through my research and teaching, including programs to help graduating seniors with the transition to industry or working with companies to improve the experiences of incoming engineers through practices such as mentorship.