What is Engineering Education?

Engineering education advances the profession and transforms the way engineers are taught. The field is dominated by engineers who want to provide students with better learning experiences than what they, themselves, had. Impacting practice is a strong value and distinguishes engineering education from other fields. We want to help students by researching their educational experiences so we can implement more inclusive and effective educational approaches.

A circuit in the shape of a lightbulb and color splashes representing diversity in thought.

Innovative Academics

Dr. Olewnik working with students in lab.

Our faculty collaborate to make engineering courses and curriculum engaging, inclusive and innovative. We provide graduate-level instruction on the theory and practice of educating engineers and undergraduate-level instruction on engineering topics for multiple engineering majors.

Outstanding Faculty

Two smiling faculty memnbers.

The formal training of our faculty spans a broad spectrum encompassing engineering education, other branches of engineering, science and technology, general education, English, technical communication and others. We take pride in helping students learn and grow as engineers.

Our Research

Our research enhances the student experience of today’s engineers. Research areas include:

Learning Experiences

Pedagogical Innovations

Systems and Institutions