Fig. 1 (left) EDS elemental map of novel Pd/SiO2@ZrO2 core@shell oxidation catalyst and (right) catalytic performance of Pd/SiO2@ZrO2 using a simulated diesel exhaust stream; carbon monoxide (CO, black), total hydrocarbons (THC, blue) and nitrogen oxides (NOx, red).
As a result of the continued improvements in vehicle engine efficiency, catalysts need to perform effectively at low exhaust temperatures in order to meet the strict emission standards introduced by the Environmental Protection Agency. Therefore, US DRIVE established a goal of achieving 90% conversion of hazardous emissions at 150 °C; so-called “150 °C challenge”. Thus, innovative catalysts that operate at lower temperatures are needed to control the engine pollutants (e.g. nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons).
The Kyriakidou research group focuses on the development of oxidation catalysts for low temperature applications (below 150°C) to eliminating the hazardous emissions from vehicles. The primary approach is to use precious metals (e.g. Pd, Pt) deposited on uniquely designed metal oxides (SiO2, ZrO2, CeO2) core@shell supports (Figure 1). The long-term goal is that these materials will be utilized in future internal combustion engine and hybrid vehicle technologies.