Research Highlights

Stay up to date on all the research projects underway in ISE.

  • Human Error Prediction
    Prediction of human error before it occurs is one of the most challenging topics in human factors engineering research.
  • Autonomous Vehicles - Coming to a Driveway Near You?
    Professors Jaime Kang and Mark Karwan have recently been awarded a 3-year National Science Foundation grant to define a framework to model and evaluate potential household-level use of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs).
  • Statins and Public Health Policy: Modeling and Optimization
    Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S., and accounted for almost 70,000 deaths in 2010, the majority of which were caused by coronary heart disease (CHD) or stroke.
  • Improving Workplace Safety
    Professor Lora Cavuoto, in collaboration with professor Fadel Megahed from Auburn University, was recently awarded a three-year project from the American Society of Safety Engineers Foundation.
  • NSF Grant to Support 3D Printing Computation
    Professor Chi Zhou, in collaboration with computer science and engineering faculty Wenyao Xu and Jinhui Xu, was recently awarded a two-year project from the National Science Foundation. The project aims to develop a transformative computational paradigm of 3D printing in mass customization.
  • Nursing Teams: Behind the Charts
    Nurses are renowned for taking care of patients, but what about each other? Researchers from Nursing and ISE believe there is a key social ingredient - based upon mutual support, advice, friendship and other traits – that is critical to the success of nursing teams.