
Share your stories and pictures of your ISE days! Fill out this form. Include any pictures from your time here and share a quick story, memory or any remarks about the department throughout the years. Submissions will be posted in this section.

Meghan Donahue PhD 2022

Every Wednesday at noon, the human factors students and others in the department would have a brown-bag lunch. We'd informally discuss where we are at with our work, challenges, successes and things happening in our personal lives. It has been great for building community and helping everyone feel supported. I'm looking forward to resuming those next fall! 

Ashley Cummings.

Ashley Cummings BS 2022

During my first and sophomore years of college, I was able to join UB's student chapter of IISE (Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers) in attending the IISE Northeast Regional Conference. Both years were great times, and the conference helped me solidify my interest in IE from the amazing speakers and workshops and become much closer with other UB ISE students. I'm grateful for these experiences that UB ISE provided that truly promoted my professional development and created deeper bonds with my peers. 

Lucas Wickham BS 2021

I remember when COVID first started, and Dr. Paquet came into the ISE Study lounge to talk to many of us students about the future of the semester. We talked about the implications about possibly going remote (which happened completely a couple weeks later) and how he reassured us that the ISE department has been a leader in online courses in the department and UB as a whole. I will say that the online course format for ISE has gone about as smoothly as it could given the situation.

AIIE Reg. Conf. 1968 M. Petroski, N. Nelson, P. Przestawski, Dr W. Thomas, R. Toal, (A.Sasiadek).

Alfred Sasiadek BS 1968

AIIE Reg. Conf. 1968 M. Petroski, N. Nelson, P. Przestawski, Dr W. Thomas, R. Toal, (A.Sasiadek) 

Not sure about the others but this trip was my first time to another state. 

Patrick Dempsey BS 1990

I applied to UB for Electrical Engineering, and then switched to Mechanical Engineering freshman year. I was accepted into the ME program during my sophomore year. By then, I decided mechanical was not for me and was considering changing to psychology. A friend told me about ergonomics and how IEs designed workplaces with people in mind. I had never heard of it before, but it sounded like something I wanted to try. I applied to IE and was accepted after a trial semester and completed my BS. I then went on to Texas Tech for MS and PhD degrees focused on ergonomics, and the rest is history as they say. I've been fortunate to be able to collaborate with Dr. Drury and Dr. Paquet on ergonomics audits for mining the past few years, great to maintain a link with UB.